Roblox Innovation Awards 2023: Best New Experience

Roblox Innovation Awards 2023: Best New Experience

With Roblox Innovation Awards 2023 or RIA 2023 just around the corner, we know the categories scheduled to appear, as well as the nominated games. One category that has taken the community by storm is the Best New Experience. The nominees in this category truly rethink what games are capable of at the moment.

In this article, we will take a look at the titles that are nominated for a prize under the category of Best New Experience at the RIA 2023. Let’s dive in!

What are Roblox Innovation Awards 2023 all about?

The RIA 2023 is a celebration honoring the most innovative and creative members of the Roblox community. It was initially scheduled for September 9, 2023, alongside the Roblox Developers Conference (RDC). On May 17, 2023, voters started submitting nominations for a variety of categories, including Best Collaboration, People’s Choice, and Best New Experience. The nomination period ended on May 31, 2023, and voting started on July 26, 2023.

The voting, however, got delayed for security reasons, but now the Roblox Innovation Awards 2023 are all set to begin on November 10, 2023, and the fans are pumped with excitement.

All titles nominated in the Best New Experience category at the RIA 2023

Now, let’s take a closer look at the nominees for the Best New Experience category at the Roblox Innovation Awards 2023:

1) Doors

If you happen to be an enjoyer of spine-tingling horror games, we recommend Doors. It’s a first-person horror game that challenges you to navigate your way through levels by unlocking doors. Some doors can lead you to your doom, while others require puzzle-solving skills.

The longer you survive and the further you progress, the higher you climb on the leaderboards. This game keeps you on the edge of your seat, and the thrill of survival is addicting.

2) Shovelware’s Brain Game

Shovelware’s Brain Game is an intellectual gaming experience that puts your wits to the test. Up to six players take turns choosing categories and answering questions. But there’s a twist – the player who picks the category earns bonus points for answering questions correctly in the same category, while others score based on their speed.

There are even bonus prizes and quirky interruptions to keep things exciting. Hosted by the Dancing Banana and featuring questions read by the Announcer, this game keeps you on your toes while having a blast.

3) Rainbow Friends

ゲームプレイにちょっとしたホラーを加えたい場合は、レインボー フレンズが最適です。ロイ&によって作成されました。 Charcle、このマルチプレイヤー ホラー ストーリーはいくつかの章に分かれています。第 1 章では、遊園地への遠足に出かけたプレイヤーのグループが突然のバス事故に遭遇し、奇妙な施設にいることに気づき、恐ろしいモンスターを避けながらアイテムを収集する必要があるという設定です。


4) サバイバルゲーム

サバイバル ゲームは、敵対的な世界で生き残りたいなら必ずプレイすべきゲームです。 Mojang の傑作である Minecraft から多大な影響を受けています。このゲームは、Minecraft のサバイバル要素と Roblox の魔法を組み合わせたものです。まず、プライベート サーバーを無料で作成して、戦利品や XP を目的とした他のプレイヤーからの攻撃に常にさらされないようにすることができます。

この堅牢なサバイバル体験では、健康状態と食料バーをゼロ以上に保ち、道具や武器を作り、保護のための構造物を構築することが求められます。狩る側になるか狩られる側になるかのスリルは、サバイバル ゲームでは常にあり、ゲーマーがこのゲームで好む多くの点の 1 つです。

Roblox Innovation Awards 2023のベストニューエクスペリエンス部門では、コミュニティ内の驚くべき創造性と多様性を紹介します。胸が高鳴るホラー、頭を悩ませる雑学、サバイバルのスリルを探している場合でも、これらのタイトルがあなたをサポートします。



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