Zarna Garg: One in a Billion on Prime Video – リリース日、何を期待するか、予告編など
スタンダップ コメディアンであり、受賞歴のある脚本家であり、元弁護士でもある Zarna Garg が、彼女のコメディ チョップを Amazon Prime Video にもたらします。ストリーミング サービスは、5 月 16 日火曜日に彼女の最初のコメディ スペシャル、Zarna Garg: One in a Billion を全世界で開始します。
この 1 時間のスペシャルは、昨年 9 月にニューヨーク市のグラマシー シアターで撮影されたもので、ガーグのタフな愛に満ちたインド系移民の母親がフルフライトで登場します。コメディアンは、家族の前でリビングルームで演技を磨くのに何年も費やし、過去数年間でTikTokで1億回以上の視聴を獲得しました.
Instagram と TikTok の両方で 50 万人以上のフォロワーを持つ彼女は、現在ツアー中で、今後 2 か月間、海岸から海岸へとスタンドアップ パフォーマンスを行っています。Garg は、ヒラリー クリントンとチェルシー クリントンが司会を務める昨年の Apple TV+ シリーズ Gutsy で取り上げられました。彼女はまた、2021年Ladies of Laughter Awardを受賞しました。
舞台裏では、彼女の脚本「Rearranged」がアカデミー ニコルのセミファイナリストとなり、オースティン映画祭でベスト コメディ賞を受賞しました。成人向けのロマンチック コメディーは、2020 年初頭に Marginal Mediaworks の CEO 兼創設者である Sanjay Sharma によって取り上げられました。
Born in Mumbai and raised in a traditional Gujarati family, Garg eventually managed to immigrate to the US at the age of 16, where she joined her sister and sister’s family.
She went to college and law school in the US and eventually became a lawyer. She left her legal career after the birth of her first child and tried stand-up comedy at the urging of her daughter, who thought she had a humorous side. The comedian explained to SEEMA two years back:
“I couldn’t think of a smart, romantic comedy written by an Indian woman and thought I may be able to fill that space.”
Garg’s success in writing comedy led her to test her jokes on live audiences. In her early days as a stand-up comedian, she took jokes from her hit screenplay and weaved them into her act. She began with open mics but soon evolved to producing her own shows. Garg performs for sold-out audiences at top clubs across the US, with “Sari, Not Sorry”being one of her celebrated shows. It was featured in Broadway and several other venues and platforms. My American Dream is her debut show at Amazon Prime Video.
Many of Garg’s jokes are aimed at presenting the South Asian immigrant experience, and it seems that this is her niche. She also displays the courage to publicly take on her mother-in-law. She began with shows targeting an Indian audience at parks and subways but soon became an online sensation during the pandemic.
With her experience and popularity, Garg is among the minuscule number of female Indian comedians across the globe. Zarna Garg: One in a Billion is produced by Amazon Studios and Comedy Dynamics. Garg, Brian Volk-Weiss, and Cisco Henson serve as executive producers along with Christina Shams, Cameron S. Mitchell, and Brinda Bhatt.
Zarna Garg: One in a Billion premiers on Prime Video on May 16, 2023.